Ads terra script

Python WIFI killer

This Python script appears to be a simple interactive tool for performing wireless network security-related tasks, such as monitoring Wi-Fi networks, capturing handshakes, scanning networks, and launching attacks on WPS-enabled networks. Here's a breakdown of the main components and functionalities:

1. Libraries and Modules:

   - The script uses the `os` and `subprocess` modules for executing system commands.

   - `check_call` from `subprocess` is imported but not used in the script.

2. Installing Tools:

   - The script starts by attempting to install various tools (e.g., aircrack-ng, crunch, xterm, wordlists, reaver, pixiewps, bully, wifite) using the `apt-get` package manager.

3. Menu and User Input:

   - The script presents a menu with different options for the user to choose from.

   - The user can perform actions like starting/stopping monitor mode, scanning networks, capturing handshakes, installing wireless tools, cracking handshakes with various methods, creating wordlists, and conducting WPS attacks.

4. Functions:

   - There's a function called `intro()` that is repeatedly called to display the main menu and process user input.

5. Wireless Tools Installation:

   - The script provides an option to install various wireless security tools. It includes a menu for selecting specific tools or installing all of them.

6. Password Cracking:

   - The script supports two methods for cracking passwords: using a predefined wordlist (`rockyou.txt`) and using a custom wordlist provided by the user.

7. Wordlist Generation:

   - The script allows users to generate custom wordlists based on specified criteria, such as password length and character sets.

8. WPS Attacks:

   - There are options for conducting WPS attacks using tools like Reaver, Bully, wifite, and PixieWps.

9. Infinite Loop:

    - The script runs in an infinite loop (`intro()` function is called repeatedly) until the user chooses to exit.

10. Sleep Commands:

    - The script uses the `sleep` command to introduce delays, allowing users time to read messages or perform specific actions.

11. File Operations:

    - The script involves file operations, such as writing wordlists and capturing output in files.

12. User Interaction:

    - The script interacts with the user through the command line interface, taking input for various parameters.

It's important to note that using such tools for unauthorized access to networks is illegal and unethical. This script should only be used for educational or authorized testing purposes.

click here for the Python file

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