Ads terra script

Login portal using Google, Twitter and Facebook


This code is a PHP-based web application that implements a user authentication and registration system using various social media logins (Google, Facebook, Twitter) along with a local username/password combination. It is styled using the Material Design for Bootstrap framework.

Here's a breakdown of the major components and functionalities in the code:

1. Session Start: 

The code begins with the session_start() function, which initializes a session for tracking user data across different pages.

2. Includes: 

The code includes files for Google Login (GLogin), Facebook Login (FBLogin), and Twitter Login (TLogin) functionalities. These files likely contain code for handling the respective social media logins.

3. Error Handling: 

The code checks for any error messages in the URL using the `$_GET` superglobal. It then uses a switch-case structure to map these error codes to corresponding error messages that will be displayed to the user.

4. HTML Structure: 

The code contains an HTML structure for creating the login and registration forms using Bootstrap's styling. It uses Material Design elements for styling and responsiveness.

5. Login Form: 

The login form is inside a card element. It consists of input fields for the username and password, along with a "Forgot Password" link. There's a login button that will submit the form to the 'include/' file.

6. Registration Modal: 

The registration form is within a modal element that pops up when the user clicks on the "Sign up here!" link. The modal contains input fields for username, password, password confirmation, and email. There's a "Sign up" button that submits the form to the 'include/' file.

7. Social Media Login Buttons:

 The code includes buttons for signing in using Google, Facebook, and Twitter. These buttons redirect users to the respective login endpoints for the chosen social media platforms.

8. JavaScript Libraries: 

The code includes necessary JavaScript libraries for functionality, such as Bootstrap and Material Design for Bootstrap.

9. HTML Structure and Styling:

 The code uses classes and styling attributes to structure the page layout, colors, and fonts. It follows Material Design principles for a consistent and modern look.

It's important to note that some parts of the code are placeholders like `include('GLogin\GLogin.php')`, which should be replaced with the actual paths to the corresponding login files. Similarly, there are references to `include/` and `include/`, which are likely the backend scripts responsible for processing login and registration data respectively.

Overall, the code aims to provide a user-friendly and visually appealing login and registration experience with options for both local and social media-based authentication.

So here is the code>>>>>>
It's output will be like that

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