Ads terra script

Create your own python web bot

 This code is a Python script that uses the Tkinter library for creating a graphical user interface (GUI) and the Selenium library for automating interactions with a web page. Here's an explanation of the code's main components:

1. Import Statements:

   - `import tkinter as tk`: Imports the Tkinter library and renames it as 'tk' for easier reference.

   - `from tkinter import messagebox`: Imports the `messagebox` module from Tkinter for displaying message dialogs.

   - `from selenium import webdriver`: Imports the Selenium library for automated web interactions.

   - `from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys`: Imports the `Keys` class from Selenium for simulating keyboard keys.

   - `import time`: Imports the `time` module for adding time delays in the script.

2. Tkinter Setup:

   - The code creates a main window using `tk.Tk()` and sets its title to "Bot Application".

   - The window's background color is set to black.

3. Title Label:

   - A label widget (`title_label`) is created with a title "Created by Adil Munawar".

   - The font, text color (white), and background color (black) are set for the label.

   - The label is packed with padding (space) of 20 units from the top.

4. `visit_and_unlock()` Function:

   - This function defines the logic to visit a specified link and perform unlocking steps.

   - The link variable (`link`) contains the URL of the page to be visited (e.g., "").

   - A Chrome WebDriver is created using `webdriver.Chrome()` for browser automation.

   - The browser navigates to the specified link using `driver.get(link)`.

   - Inside a loop, the script performs unlocking steps (you need to replace this with actual logic).

   - A time delay of 2 seconds (`time.sleep(2)`) is added between unlocking attempts.

   - After attempts are done, the browser is closed using `driver.quit()`.

   - A message box dialog is shown with the title "Success" and message "Link visited and unlocked!".

5. Button Creation:

   - A button widget (`button`) is created with the label "Click to Visit and Unlock".

   - The font, text color (white), and background color (blue) are set for the button.

   - The `command` parameter is set to the `visit_and_unlock()` function, meaning the function will be called when the button is clicked.

   - The button is packed with padding (space) of 20 units from the top.

6. Tkinter Main Loop:

   - The `root.mainloop()` call starts the Tkinter main event loop, which waits for user interactions and keeps the GUI running.

This code provides a basic framework for creating a GUI application that uses Selenium to automate interactions with a web page, simulating the process of visiting a link and performing unlocking steps. You will need to replace the placeholder unlocking logic with actual actions specific to the web page you're working with.

Her is the full code🙃

Google drive link for code

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