The provided code creates a simple web page that mimics a login form for a fake Google login. Let's go through the key components and the working of the code:
1. HTML Structure:
The HTML structure is defined using standard tags, such as `<html>`, `<head>`, `<body>`, and others.
The form is created using the `<form>` tag, and it has two input fields (for email and password), a "Remember me" checkbox, and a "Forgot password?" link.
2. CSS Styling:
The `<style>` section contains CSS rules that define the styling of various elements on the page.
The styling is designed to create a centered and visually appealing login form. It includes font styles, background colors, box shadows, and other layout properties.
3. JavaScript Validation:
The `<script>` section includes a JavaScript function called `validateForm`.
This function is triggered when the form is submitted (`onsubmit="return validateForm()"` in the `<form>` tag).
The purpose of `validateForm` is to check if both the email and password fields are filled out. If either field is empty, an alert is displayed, and the form submission is prevented by returning `false`.
4. Form Elements:
Two input fields (`<input type="text" name="email" ...>` and `<input type="password" name="password" ...>`) are provided for the user to enter their email and password.
A "Remember me" checkbox is included within a `<div class="remember-me">` container.
The "Forgot password?" link (`<a href="#">Forgot password?</a>`) allows users to navigate to a password recovery page (though it's just a placeholder link).
5. Submit Button:
The "Sign In" button (`<button type="submit">Sign In</button>`) submits the form when clicked.
6. Container Styling:
The overall structure is placed in a container with specific styling to create a visually appealing and centered login form.
When a user interacts with this webpage:
They can enter their email and password in the respective input fields.
The form submission triggers the `validateForm` JavaScript function.
If both email and password are filled out, the form is submitted. Otherwise, an alert is displayed, and the submission is prevented.
here is the source code: Click here G-Drive link
It's essential to understand that this code is labeled as a "Fake Google Login," indicating it's a demonstration or educational example. It is not meant for real-world use and should not be used for any malicious or deceptive purposes. Always respect ethical standards and legal regulations when creating and deploying web content.
It works well,